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You do not get the chance to photograph Grasshopper warblers every day. This was taken from the car window and the bird was showing well as they tend to do when they first arrive on territory.

Grasshopper warbler, Locustella naevia, single bird singing on fence, Warwickshire, April 2019. Olympus em1 Mk2. 300mm f4 lens plus 1.4 extender. 400 iso. 1600th at f5,6


Little-ringed plover, Charadrius dubius, single bird in display flight, Warwickshire, March 2019. Olympus Em1 Mk2. 300mm f4 lens plus 1.4 extender. 3200 iso. 12,800th sec at F5.6.

I would not have attempted this picture with my old Canon gear. With Olympus anything is possible. In fact over two sessions in a hide I only had three opportunites to take this picture and I got it on the third attempt. It was taken at 60 fps using Procapture with the focus set manually in front of the bird using Peaking to assist the focusing. No extra noise reduction has been done.

It is by far the most amazing camera I have ever used. If you have ever seen LRP’s in their display flight you will know how fast they move.


On the way back from Islay we called in at Seahouses to photograph the tame Eider duck. I take more and more video clips these days, but there is always the dilemma as to whether to shoot stills or video. When the female showed she was ready I had plenty of notice and time to choose either. I am glad I went to video mode as they turned their backs on me and it would have made a poor stills picture. I love the calls of Eider ducks, especially the sound the male makes as it dismounted.

Olympus Em1 MK2. 300mm f4 lens.

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