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Mike Lane FRPS

I wanted a few pictures of jays taking acorns off the floor rather than from logs. The floor is a raised platform covered in leaves. I placed an obvious perch above the platform that the jays would land on and see the bait below them.

Eurasian jay, Garrulus glandarius, single bird on ground with acorn, Warwickshire, December 2018. Olympus Em1 Mk2. 40-150 f2.8 lens with 1.4 extender. 800 iso. 1/500th at f4.5.

Mike Lane FRPS

Common buzzard, Buteo buteo, single bird on dead pheasant, Warwickshire, December 2018. Olympus Em1 Mk2. 300mm f4 lens plus 1.4 extender. 1250th at f5.6. 400 iso

I have been baiting buzzards in a new field for about 2 weeks. The hide is half hidden behind the bank of a small pond and puts the lens at ground level. Next time I might move the bait a bit closer to the hide to reduce the amount of out of focus grass in the foreground. What I really want is more than one buzzard coming in so I get some displaying and fighting that they are prone to doing.

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