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Lake Kerkini in Greese is a well known destination for Dalmatian pelican photography in January and February. They are numerous and used to the fisherman throwing away a few fish so come very close to people. I was a bit disappointed with my Panasonic 14-40mm lens at first, but it was sharp enough when in focus. It is the slowest focusing lens I own and I was not giving it enough time initially.
Full trip report at here.

Dalmatian pelican, Pelecanus crispus, group of birds, Greece, February 2020. Olympus E-M1x. 400 iso. 1/5000th at f5.6. 14-40mm lens at 14mm
My favourite image from a trip to Mexico. Many of the birds there remind me of Florida, which is not surprising, and they can be equally tame. The night heron spent several minutes catching and tearing this crab into bits and I had to make a choice. Video or stills. I took stills.
Full trip report here.

Yellow-crowned night-heron, Nycticorax violacea, Single bird catching crab, Baja California, Mexico, January 2020. Olympus M1x. 300mm lens with 1.4 extender. 800 iso. f5.6 at 1/3200th.
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