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Mike Lane FRPS

The poor man’s Black grouse. If Coots were rare photographers would pay a fortune to sit in cold, damp hides to photograph them. If Coots had sharp talons they would be rare as they would slice each other to death.

Olympus Em1x and 300mm f4 lens and 40-150mm lens. 120 fps which is 5 times slow motion. I film in slow motion almost all the time now. I love the effect.


I shall leave the Stonechats for a while now. If it snows I will start again, otherwise leave it until the male is in its spring plumage.

Stonechat, Saxicola rubicola, single male in flight by cabbage, Warwickshire, December 2019. Olympus m1x, 300mm lens, 1/2500th at f5.6. 1600 iso

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