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Mike Lane FRPS

Stonechats find a tray of mealworms very quickly and are easy to attract. I used a hide for the first few days, but they quickly became very tame and I could just sit on a stool in the open. The male was very prone to hovering over the tray, but is was very brief and never in the same place twice so this was my only successful flight picture.

Stonechat, Saxicola rubicola, single male in flight, Warwickshire, November 2019. Olympus M1x. 300mm. 1600 iso. 1/20000th at f4

Stonechat, Saxicola rubicola, single male on branch, Warwickshire, November 2019. Olympus M1x. 300mm plus 1.4 extender. 800 iso. 1/125th at f8

Mike Lane FRPS

I am enjoying shooting video so much that I made my first showreel lasting 10 minutes. I even enjoyed the editing, which surprised me as I expected it to be frustrating and tedious.

The next step will be a 10 minute film in slow motion, but beyond that I would like to do a short film on the land where I do much of my photography. I have started to edit it and could see it needed some aerial shots from a drone. After a bit of research I opted for a cheaper model at £225. It would take my Gopro camera so I knew I would be happy with the picture quality.

This is my inaugural flight. I have much to learn and next month I will need a licence to fly it.

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