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Brown rat

Mike Lane FRPS

4th posting during lockdown. We spent a week photographing three brown rats we acquired. They had been pets so could be handled and we built endless sets to photograph them in. This was one of the favourites. The important part is the lighting. It was a single flashgun with a cardboard roll on the front. This was pinched tight at the end to only allow a narrow beam of light out.

We worked with a laptop next to us so we could download the images as we worked and keep checking them. Today we would probably have the laptop linked to the camera so each shot downloaded as it was taken.

The dark background is roofing felt and we had to make the sack bag and spray the words on with a stencil.

Brown rat, Rattus norvegicus, captive, with grain sack, August 2009. Canon EOS 1d Mk3. 100mm macro lens. 400 iso. 1/250th at f13. Single flash.


1 Comment

Mar 17, 2021

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