One difference I have noticed on being married again after many years of being single is that keeping road kill in the deep freeze is not so acceptable. I now bait for buzzards using supermarket chickens at just under £3 a go, which is fine on days I am not photographing and acceptable in the freezer. On photography days I need to find something more natural. Partridge has been a good compromise as they are bought from the butcher and use up little space in the freezer.
The estate I work on has no livestock and therefore the grass is not short enough to bait up on the ground so I put posts up in the fields and nail the partridge to the top. After this session in the hide I have now moved the post so that the background is darker, as in this shot the buzzard and backdrop are too similar in tone. Canon Eos 1d Mk1v. 800mm lens. 1/600th at f5,6. 400 iso.