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Mike Lane FRPS

I have been feeding Magpies in a local park for some time, but they never became reliable or started to recognise me as a source of food. Eventually I gave up and tried another park and the results were almost instant. By just the third visit they had accepted me and seemed to be awaiting my arrival. I would like a shot of them flying head on towards me with tail and wings widespread. So far I hav enot got that sharp.

All taken with the Olympus Em1 Mk2 and the 300mm f4 Olympus lens. 3200 iso and at 18 fps. Shutter speeds usually around 1/4ooo th at f7.1.

Magpie, Pica pica, single bird in flight, Warwickshire, November 2017

Magpie, Pica pica, single bird in flight, Warwickshire, November 2017



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